Although the summer heat is persistent, autumn is just around the corner. With the advent of autumn upon us, it’s time to start thinking about transitioning your HVAC system from summer functions to fall and winter. However, it’s not as simple as just turning the AC off. You should ease both your home and your air conditioning system into the next season. Here are four tips to help you make the switch as smooth as possible.
Use Fans and Open Windows
Now that the weather is starting to mellow out, you can at least turn the air conditioning unit to a lower setting. Once you do that, start using your ceiling fans a little bit more and opening windows. Not only does it take some of the burden off of your air conditioner, it allows your house to air out and stay fresh.
Close the Blinds
Although this is a great summer tactic to take strain off of your air conditioner, it works for just about any season. Approximately 25% of your home’s hot and cold air is lost through small cracks and holes, which means curtains and blinds are great energy savers. They not only keep the sun and heat out in the summer, they keep the cool in when you need them to.
Turn the AC Off at Night
Not only is the weather during the day getting more mild, the nights are becoming even cooler. This is a great time of year to save energy by turning your AC off at night. Open a window and leave a few fans on in the house to circulate the cool night air and you’ll wake up in a home that feels fresh and cool without breaking the bank before autumn fully sets in.
Schedule Maintenance
Though you may not think it, your HVAC services need preventative maintenance at least twice every year. This is the perfect transitional time to call your HVAC company and have your system inspected. Not only should you have your AC inspected, but your furnace needs a checkup as well. It’s just as important to repair any damage done over the summer months as it is to prepare your heating system for the cold of winter. If you’re not sure where to begin with transitioning your HVAC system to the autumn months, give your HVAC company a call and they’ll be able to answer your questions.